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Voluntary Turn in information and  Release of Interest

Thank you for your interest in the California Department of Boating and Waterways Voluntary Turn in Program.  This is a free program for disposing of end of life vessels in a safe manner.  Once a vessel is surrendered to the RBRA, the vessel is broken down into managable pieces which can be disposed of at landfill.  All hazardous liquids that remain on the vessel or in engines are properly disposed of, any materials that can be recycled are done so at no expense to the vessel owner.  

Requirements for the program are as follows:

1. You must be the owner of the vessel.  There are processes that can be followed for third party owners, or if an owner is deceased.  Please fill out the VTIP interest form and request someone contact you about vessel ownership.

2. All fuel and household hazardous materials such as paints, solvents, and cleaners, must be removed from the vessel.  

3.  Vessel must be transported or brought to our disposal facility in Sausalito, CA. (with the exception of vessels in vicinity of the San Rafael Canal).  

If you are ready to proceed with your vessel turn in please ensure the fill out the "Vessel Voluntary Turn in Request form" .  Step one will be the download and print out the Vessel Release of Interest form, this will be required as part of the surrender process.  If you still have questions please call the Agency VTIP Coordinator Deputy Harbormaster Bennett Lesberg at 415-717-0400 -

VTIP Vessel Release of Interest.pdf
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